First get a Credit Card number by make a Screen name like SECURITY the i is a lower case L. And then pretend to be a AOL security member at AOL and go IM some one in New member Lounge or Kids Room and pretend that there credit card number was declined. Use the hacking texts provided (copy to your clipboard and paste them). Do not post the texts in a room make sore you only use Instant Messages. Then when you get the passwords you can say like "You will be credited 10 hours for the delay.Thank you, America Online Hacking".This will decrease the chances of getting TOSed. If the person replies like" You are not the real security member, I am going to get you arrested. Stay calm, there is no way you will get traced as long as you are using Sprintnet to connect to AOL. Do not cuss at the member although it is very tempting. You can say "sorry wrong person" but do not cuss them out or else you will be TOSed.Do not stay in a New Member Lounge or whereever you want to phish for a long time or else someone might catch on and the people who originally gave their passwords might change them. Wait at least a day before using an account because 2 people can be connected to AOL at the same time.Don't do an overnight downloading session because if the real member wants to sign on he can't and might call 1800-827-6364. Use fake accounts for downloading. ************** Number 1 reason if you want to keep a phished account!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This will result in a panic by the original user and they might call Customer Service. It is not fair to use tons of time on a phished account, only use the phished account if it has 5 or more free hours left because if you charge money to their account, you are giving something for the original user to investigate. Right now America Online is the easiest way to have fun with computers. Keep it that way by not overdoing phishing.They will step up their joke security if enough phishing occurs. They cannot do shit about fake accounts but delete them.